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RE: [sap-other] Different SAP Client/Instance in the Same Country?

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Reply from john.louk on Dec 5 at 4:50 PM
I am not sure for the largest SAP implementation. SAP might have that. They have many customers that are large. SAP is at many companies of different sizes both in the private sector and public (i.e., government agencies).

But, what constitutes large?

Could it be the number of users? Or, might it be the volume of transactional data?

I would really be concerned about the transactional volume as that could be a bigger deal on the size of your SAP database.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Guest
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:48 PM
Subject: Different SAP Client/Instance in the Same Country?

Has anyone ever deployed two different instances within the same country? If so, what is the pain of that? And does anyone know what the largest SAP implementation is? We are a multibillion dollar corporation with hundreds of thousands of users.


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