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Re: [sap-other] Different SAP Client/Instance in the Same Country?

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Reply from R. N. Wilhite on Dec 5 at 4:13 PM
Nominally, I've seen it done when subordinate companies had legal reason to
be held at arms length. I disagreed. That is exactly what SAP's client is
about. I suppose that if you had two competitors to service, then separate
instances might be best.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Paul Byrne
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 3:15 PM
Subject: Different SAP Client/Instance in the Same Country?

Yes you can create multiple instances within Countries, but I need to ask why?The logic behind an SAP Implementation is that you want a single version of the truth across Business Units, across regions, States, Countries, Geographical Areas and indeed Continents.Difficulties you may encounter are

Chart of AccountsOr Structure Sales and DistributionMaster Data - Should it be shared or will you two Orgs be completely separate CRM SystemsIn fact everythingFrom Warehouse, Inventory, MMHRInterfaces

The costs of developing two separate systems ConfigurationCoding GRCRole to Position Mapping The list goes on and onI should advise getting Senior Management involved and ask them what the reason and logic isIf there is a good business case and finance well go for itI cannot see one

With regard to the largest SAO Implementation I'd say some of the ones I have done with over 500,000 usersThere may be bigger but I am not aware just now.

Talk to me if you need any further help.

Paul Byrne

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R. N. Wilhite  

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