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Re: [sap-hr] Error while executing US Payroll

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Reply from pcsahu987 on Dec 12 at 11:29 AM
Hi Noor,

Schema U000 is used for regular standard payroll for US. However, U00C is used
for concurrent employees payroll for us..

And regarding the error ad mentioned above please check the log or check if you are
using your customized schema while running pay.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Noor
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:06 PM
Subject: Error while executing US Payroll

Hello Friends,

I have copied U000 as ZPCL and when I run payroll; I got the following error in IDES server in the initial screen itself, hence couldn't able to view payroll log.

'U000 is not a CE Schema, use a CE schema'.

When I copy another standard schema U00C,I am getting the following error.

'An error has occurred during schema generation, call the schema editor to analyze errors, check the syntax of the incorrect schema'. Could you please help me out with the resolution?

Just want to check with you what is the difference between U000 and U00C.As per my knowledge, I should use, U000 to run US Payroll, am I correct?.

Awaiting your reply.

With regards

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