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RE:[sap-log-wm] Reopen Or Regenerate a Transfer Requirement When I Pick a Production Order Short

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Reply from Suresh0452 on Nov 27 at 11:04 AM
Hi Brett,

So far what i have understand is, you have short picked the component during Production release and you wanted to do another transfer.

Actually whatever the order release / confirmation the material document could be posted. With reference of material document, TR will post for the same quantity. And you have to create a TO with reference of TR. If you created a TO for partical qty then your TR will be remains open / inprocess until you complete the TO for the total TR quantity.

Incase your TR & TO is fully posted with exact quantity and you have to create TO again for short / excess pick against the production order then material document has to be posted then new TR / TO can be generated.

If still i'm wrong, can you please explain me your process flow which you have done and what you are looking for..


---------------Original Message---------------
From: brett_walton
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 12:08 PM
Subject: Reopen Or Regenerate a Transfer Requirement When I Pick a Production Order Short

Hi All,

Looking for a process step for the following.

I pick a production order short and need another T.O. to complete the order. When I pick short is there a configuration open to re-open the transfer requirement ? Or if not what transaction should I use to generate another transfer?

We are creating Transfer Requirement and TO at production order release.


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