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RE:[sap-log-pp] Online Component Scrap in Process Order

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Reply from girishm2004 on Nov 26 at 10:23 PM
Dear rahul thanks for the reply, I tried to cancel the scrap qty via reservation & got same qty for MIGO but due to batch determination process if the batch stock is nil in that case we use to do manual addition of line item & again batch determination but in this case as qty open so no need to add more line item but unable to do batch determination again for balance qty. If you have any idea then please let me know. Many thanks in advance.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Girish Makode
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 10:54 PM
Subject: Online Component Scrap in Process Order

Dear Team
Online component scrap in process order.
After process order release we use to do MIGO for all BOM component via 261 movement as GI. While doing packing of vials user come to know few are scrap in BOX say 20 out of 100. Now looking for provision to book this 20 component as scrap (return to warehouse) & request for new 20 pieces for completion of production. Here challenge is that we can't reverse the document number in MIGO because of MRN process. Production team will do 262 movement in MB1B with reference of process order & take that 20 number of scrap material to there own storage location. From this storage location they will reverse it to warehouse via MRN process through MB1A as reservation 201 movement. Here after doing the 262 movement system is not allow to do more 261 GI for open qty via MIGO. Will you check why so? because system suppose to allow open qty for MIGO 261 GI. Please suggest me if you have any good suggestion for online component scrap in process order. Here we are willing to avoid manual addition of line item for excess requirement. Also help me if batch determination book the batch once process order release then after 262 how can I allow new batch for bom component 261 GI for same process order.

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