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RE:[sap-abap] Alternating Enabled/Disabled for an Input Field in ALV Grid

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Reply from TerryB on Nov 26 at 2:25 PM
The ALV grid is a "frontend control," and typically does not communicate back to your ABAP program until some user action is taken, such as hitting the enter key or clicking a command button. Just changing the value in a cell of the grid does not initiate a "round trip" back to your ABAP program. The toggling of the input-capable attribute of field 3 has to be set in your ABAP program, so your challenge is to figure out a way to trigger this round trip when the user clicks on the checkbox. Off the top of my head I'm thinking maybe identifying the checkbox field in the field catalog as a "hot spot." That will make it act like a "link" upon a single click, thus triggering the necessary round trip. You could then put the required code in a USER_COMMAND subroutine tied to the hotspot.
Good luck,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: jcastro2703
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 2:00 PM
Subject: Alternating Enabled/Disabled for an Input Field in ALV Grid

Hello guys,
Please, consider the following situation that I need to:
By using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC, are displayed 3 fields:
1) A checkbox;
2) A description for a value;
3) A field that accept values.
I can change the value on field (3) freely, but once I do the check the
field 1 (checkbox), the field (3) is closed for edition.

I tried to change the values in is_layout_lvc table, but I have no idea how I should do
to "reload it" in real-time - I mean: Unchecking the field (1), field (3) become enabled to edition; checking the field(1), field (3) become disabled to edition. Is that possible?

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