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Reply from MASchumacher on Jul 5 at 11:39 AM Neal, In case you don't have that FM in your system (we don't at ECC 6 sp 5) we found one that went away from ECC 5 and ended up creating a Z version. Here's the code *"--- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(INPUT_VAL) *" EXPORTING *" REFERENCE(OUTPUT_VAL) *" EXCEPTIONS *" INVALID_FORMAT *"--- * Function Module : Z_CONVERT_QUAN_INPUT * Date : 5-Aug-2010 * Description : Converts numeric representation to adjust for * separators and different decimal values . vs , * *Modification details * * Vers: xxx Date: 5-Aug-2010 * Description: Original Copied from ECC 5.0 best practice * function /BEV3/CHCONVERT_QUAN_INPUT since it no longer * exits in ECC 6.0 *--- IF input_val IS INITIAL. CLEAR output_val. EXIT. ENDIF. DATA: dezzeichen(1) TYPE c, " Dezimalzeichen dezstellen(1) TYPE n. " Dezimalstellen * --- UNZUL?SSIGE ZEICHEN? --- CONDENSE input_val NO-GAPS. IF input_val CN '0123456789,.- '. RAISE invalid_format. ENDIF. * --- DEZIMALZEICHEN: KOMMA ODER PUNKT ? --- DATA: char4(4) TYPE c, refe(16) TYPE p. refe = 12. WRITE refe TO char4 CURRENCY '1'. " Dezimalzeichen an fester Position dezzeichen = char4+1(1). * --- TAUSENDERPUNKTE ELIMINIEREN --- IF dezzeichen = ','. TRANSLATE input_val USING '. '. ELSE. TRANSLATE input_val USING ', '. ENDIF. * --- VORZEICHEN ELIMINIEREN (d?rfte nicht vorkommen)--- * translate input_val using '- '. CONDENSE input_val NO-GAPS. * --- DEZIMALZEICHEN IN PUNKT ?NDERN --- IF dezzeichen = ','. TRANSLATE input_val USING ',.'. ENDIF. * --- PR?FEN, OB MEHRERE DEZIMALZEICHEN ?BERGEBEN WURDEN --- DATA: cbtrg(30) TYPE c. IF input_val CS '.'. cbtrg = input_val. SHIFT cbtrg LEFT BY sy-fdpos PLACES. SHIFT cbtrg LEFT. IF cbtrg CS '.'. RAISE invalid_format. ENDIF. ENDIF. output_val = input_val. ENDFUNCTION. Margaret Schumacher
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: halil kinik Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:26 PM Subject: Looking for IS_NUM in ABAP Hi, you can use this FM. /TDAG/CP_LB07_CHAR_NUMBER_CONV | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |