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Question from ManiNori1 on Dec 11 at 1:32 PM Hi, I am trying to understand the treatment of lease assets via SAP. I have not found any relevant discussions in this regard. I have gone through the generic SAP help; however, I am getting lost on the details of implementation. My questions are as follows - What, if any, is the specific requirement while creating the asset class / master data for a leased asset? For example HOW and WHERE is the values of the asset (when procured) recorded? How does depreciation work? Is it even relevant since the asset is NOT our own but a leased one rather? Where is it stored? Payments made per the lease payment plan (AP) will mean that there is a GL account tied into the AA aspect of things. How does this work? How does this tie into the "contract" aspect of the asset? Is this it or is there more to the scenario? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mani Nori | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |