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RE:[sap-acct] Depreciation without Unplanned Depreciation

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Reply from henrileconte on Sep 4 at 9:28 AM
Hello Guys. Thank you for your input, as you mentioned, Unplanned Depreciation can not impact Planned Depreciation postings within the current year, I found Notes 50761 and 1634613, both give more information on this issue.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: henrileconte
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 10:52 AM
Subject: Depreciation without Unplanned Depreciation

Hello I hope you can help. We are in ECC.6.0 (I have not much experience in Fixed Assets)

I have an asset with Acq Value $12,000 useful life 10 years straight line depr.
Annual Depr $1,200.00
Month Depr $100.00

I want to post previous depreciation of $6,000.00 and reduce life to 5 years, this way
NBV $6,000.00
New Annual Depr $600.00
Month Depr $50.00

After I post unplanned Depr via ABMA I can see the NBV reduced and the total depreciation is correct. However the first 3 periods remaining for FY 2012 are still posting the depreciation at $100.00 per month. I was expecting the program to consider the deduction of $6,000.00 and therefore have the 3 periods with a planned depreciation value of $50.00 instead of $100.00

How can I achieve this? I already tried changing the Multilevel Method (via AFAMS) and use Base Value 10 (Acquisition value reduced by unplanned depreciation) instead of 24 (Net book value) but I have had no success. I would appreciate your guidance. Thanks in advanced

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