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RE:[sap-acct] Adjustment VAT-invoice for RU

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Reply from Antony on Aug 8 at 4:43 AM
Hello Roy,

I guess my question regarding corrective invoice is incorrect, so ill try to focus on adjustment invoice question.

With accordance to Russian legislation starting from April 2012 we have new form of VAT invoice. Also with accordance to recommendations from Ministry of Finance we have 2 ways of correction VAT invoice:
1) Corrective VAT invoice
2) Adjustment VAT invoice

1) It's a separate document , which is linked to original VAT invoice. We marking there changes of exact line

2) It's some kind of changes of original VAT invoice. Which are reflected at original VAT invoice.

So, main difference between 2 these documents , that in 1st case we have printout correction for few lines ( new document with new number), in 2nd case we have document with Original VAT invoice number but with corrected data on it and with mark correction 1 dd xx.xx.xxxx.

My questions are following:

1) Is it possible to create in SAP environment 2nd type of documents ?
2) How such corrections are going to be reflected in document flow ? As some kind of new document or old document will be corrected ?

Thanks in advance !

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Antony
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 1:55 AM
Subject: Adjustment VAT-invoice for RU

Hello SAP -Team !

Is it possible to have adjustment VAT-invoice for RU sales? At these moment i cannot see any possible way of issue such document from system. As i know only corrective invoice is being developed ....

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