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Re: [sap-acct] How to download SEPA XML file from F110 onto application server

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Reply from Roy B on Aug 8 at 3:56 AM
Try this link:- http://www.europeanpaymentscouncil.eu/index.cfm
This is the body that is overseeing the introduction of SEPA which will go live in February 2014, which is why so few SAP consultants know much about it right now. There is lots of information on the site and a newsletter you can sign up to. EPC have a change management process which you have to follow if your SEPA scheme is going to be acceptable for inclusion in the scheme.

Rgds, Roy B.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Mary Gillies
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:33 PM
Subject: How to download SEPA XML file from F110 onto application server

I have created an XML file from F110 but need to place this automatically onto our server for transfer to our Bank's server. Eventually this will be a scheduled job so should all happen automatically. I can't adjust my variant in SAPFPAYM for output control.

any ideas?


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Roy B  
SAP Financials Expert
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