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RE:[sap-acct] Vendor Document Type

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Reply from mukherjeeayan1 on Jun 4 at 3:07 AM
Thanks a lot Vidya for your detailed insight into this matter.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Vidhya Dhar
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 2:58 AM
Subject: Vendor Document Type


Technically, there is nothing incorrect in using SA or KR for posting
a vendor document if both document types accommodate Account types S
( GL ) and K ( Vendor ) . In fact , SAP even permits creation of new
document types for posting ....be it for vendor documents or G L

However, it is a better idea to have a distinction between documents
of the type SA and KR for better retrieval and reporting purposes. If
the document number ranges assigned are different, then you could
experience some confusion too. You could also experience some
confusion during document posting if posting periods are maintained
differentially account-typewise.

It is a good idea to stick to standardization where you can identify
clearly vendor invoices from G L documents via separate document
types.It makes your life easier and reporting / retrieval of documents



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