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Question from ZamanR on Apr 14 at 12:05 AM We have two orders one for CS and one for arrears support . As per the legal requirement we should not deduct more then 55% of the disposable net on the combined orders. I have federal special rule for CS and we are entering 50% on IT0195. It is bringing the disposable net down by 50% and deducting the CS from the remaining available balance. Now I have configured the T5uG4 with /001( 55% exempt from net from t5ug3). This rule brings the disposable net down by 55% and takes the garnishment. My problem is that combined it should not take more then 55% of the disposable net. It treats both orders independently and it is taking the more then 55% of the disposable net. How can we cap the multiple orders to 55% of disposable net. I will appreciate anyone's help in this regard. | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |