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RE:[sap-hr] Cap Garnishment With Multiple Orders

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Reply from JG-SAPHR on Apr 14 at 7:46 AM

Possible correction steps:
1. Check if there are any other config specific to your molga.
2. Check for OSS notes addressing this issue, if any found apply corrections
3. I am not sure if you can add some ABAP code in the function PRPRI used to apply deductions.

-add the CS w/t's to a copy w/t (like the CS w/t).
-change CS w/t with num = amt; rte & amt = zero
- this will result in deducting the CS copy w/t instead of all the CS w/t's
-after deductions are applied, all the CS w/t's are changed to an amt with their total capped to the dedn amt in the copy w/t.
4a)Create a copy of one of these deduction w/t's to say 9CS1.
4a-1) This should result in copying most config table entries with 9CS1.
4b)In XAL0 schema before the deductions are added to RT, include a PCR
say ZCS1 to
4b-1)add the CS dedn w/t's to OT/IT;
4b-2)change the num = amt, num & amt to zero. add to the w/t
This should result in
- adding the CS w/t with rate & amt zero and number = amt,
- w/t 9CS1 with total of all CS dedn amt's to IT
(w/t 9CS1 will be added to RT later like other w/t's going to RT).
4c)After the function PRPRI loop is completed and just before pcr X040, insert
4c-1)PCR say ZCSC (PRT ZCSC bbbb NOAB (par 2 blank) to copy the wt 9CS1 to a variable say &9CS1 and change RNA to zero.
Note the entry in RT needs special handling for updating or zeroising.
4c-2)pcr ZCS2 - to go through each CS w/t.
If the var ZCS1 has non zero amt,
-- multiply num by 1 and add to amt.
-- cap amt by the amt in var ZCS1
-- add to w/t to RT.
-- reduce the var ZCS1 amt by the amt being written to the CS w/t

Hope the above is understandable and helps.
Regards, JG

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Raja Zaman
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 12:06 AM
Subject: Cap Garnishment With Multiple Orders

We have two orders one for CS and one for arrears support . As per the legal requirement we should not deduct more then 55% of the disposable net on the combined orders. I have federal special rule for CS and we are entering 50% on IT0195.

It is bringing the disposable net down by 50% and deducting the CS from the remaining available balance.

Now I have configured the T5uG4 with /001( 55% exempt from net from t5ug3). This rule brings the disposable net down by 55% and takes the garnishment.

My problem is that combined it should not take more then 55% of the disposable net. It treats both orders independently and it is taking the more then 55% of the disposable net. How can we cap the multiple orders to 55% of disposable net.

I will appreciate anyone's help in this regard.

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