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RE:[sap-acct] Profit Center for Billing in Table VBAP is Blank

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Reply from satendra14 on Apr 14 at 7:36 AM
Dear Laurie,

could you please tell me which user exit did you use to populate value in field vbap-pctrf ( billing).

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Laurie Severt
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 9:35 AM
Subject: Profit Center for Billing in Table VBAP is Blank

We want to perform Profit Center Substitution via a user exit. It is coded and works perfectly, populating the Profit Center for Billing field in VBAP (VBAP-PCTRF) correctly in our QAS environment (testing).

However, in checking through all of the records in VBAP in our production system, we find some records in VBAP that have a blank value in VBAP-PCTRF.

After analyzing the records, we can find nothing unique about the orders that would cause this field to be blank. None of the affected orders are for Intercompany Sales (meaning that all intercompany sales orders have VBAP-PCTRF populated). The majority of sales orders DO have a value in VBAP-PCTRF...currently, the value is the same as VBAP-PFCTR since the code for the substitution is not in production yet.

What would cause this handful of sales orders to have blanks in the Profit Center for Billing field (VBAP-PCTRF)?

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