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Re: [sap-acct] Intercompany Postings With Taxes

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Reply from VidhyaDhar on Mar 27 at 11:29 PM

Am unable to comprehend your transaction.

Please tell me if my understanding of your scenario is right.

Company Code 1 Procures materials from an external vendor.

Part of such purchase ( viz. for 100 USD ) is for company code 01 and
using an input tax code (let us say with 5%) (95.24 + tax 4.76)

Part of such purchase (viz. for 100 USD ) is for company code 02 and using
an input tax code (let us say with 10%) (90.90 + tax 9.10)

If this is what you want, then

you would get an accounting entry as follows :

In Company Code 01 :

Purchase for self Debit
Input tax for self
Debit 4.76 ( it would be 5% input tax only and not output tax as
mentioned by you)
Input tax on behalf of Company Code 02 Debit 9.10 (
input tax @ 10%%)
Receivables (from Company Code 02) Debit 90.10

External Vendor Credit

In Company Code 02 :

Purchase for Company Code 02 Debit 90.10
Paybales ( to Company Code 01 ) Credit 90.10

This is how accounting would happen and there would be an overall
transaction number for briding the two documents pertaining to the two
different company codes.

There would be a customer vendor relationship to the tune of 90.10 between
the two company codes and this would not contain taxes.

As you rightly mentioned , an accounting entry ( based on report RFBUST10 )
would be passed later to transfer the tax portion of 9.10 from Company
Code 01 to Company Code 02.

Instead of presenting your entries, would it not be nicer if you presented
your scenario in simpler terms? ( say something like total Purchases are
made from the vendor for 200 USD in all out of which 100 USD worth
purchases belong to Company Code 01 and the balance to Company Code 02.
However, purchase of company code 01 attract 5% input tax whereas
purchases of company code 02 attract 10 % input tax ).

Such a simple presentation of your requirement makes our
comprehension easier than it is now.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: casimiro hernandez
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:55 PM
Subject: Intercompany Postings With Taxes

Vidhya Dhar and Roy thanks for asking.

Here is what I need to get when I post the document.

document in entry view

vendor cr
g/l acct dr 100 ccode1 V1(tax type)
g/l acct dr 100 ccode2 A1(output tax)

when posted

vendor cr 120
g/lacct dr 100
tax acct dr(for V1) 12


cutomer dr 120
g/lacct cr 120


I want the posting to be this way

vendor cr 120
g/lacct dr 100
tax acct dr(for V1) 12

cutomer dr 120
g/lacct cr 100
tax acct cr(for A1) 12

I know this cannot be done automatically. I need to transfer tax
postings using RFBUST10

Thanks in advance.

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