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RE:[sap-acct] Compare Profit Center Hierarchy

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Reply from LCC352 on Feb 29 at 4:33 PM
Since every profit center has to be assigned to the standard hierarchy, your real issue is do you have all the profit centers in each client? There is nothing I know of that is standard and capable of going cross-client.

However, you can write something very quickly in any language you wish to call into both systems using BAPI: BAPI_PROFITCENTER_GETLIST. All you have to supply is the controlling area. The resulting answer sets should be identical in count and content.

- Lou

---------------Original Message---------------
From: karunakar B
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 11:46 AM
Subject: Compare Profit Center Hierarchy


I'm just wondering if there is any SAP St.Program to compare the standard profit center hierarchies between clients. i,e i would like to compare my Standard Hierarchy in Quality system with that of in Production system.


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