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Re: [sap-log-mm] Report that Shows Field Changes Within a Table

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Reply from Hays2412 on Jan 17 at 3:02 PM
Hi Ian

We have recently discovered transaction AUT10.
It is an auditing transaction that allows you to review any changes made
in other transactions:

eg: you can review any changes made through MM02 for selected criteria.
If you go up too the toolbar their is also and extended/advanced version
of the screen with further selection criteria.

The functionality of this transaction seems quite extensive and we are
still investigating areas of the business that can utilise this tool.

Hayley McDougal
SAP Business Process Analyst

---------------Original Message---------------
From: ian inkson
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 10:43 AM
Subject: Report that Shows Field Changes Within a Table

Hi all
Is there a report that shows field changes within a table, i.e field vomem in table MLGN?
Regards ian

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