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RE: [sap-dev] Declare a Screen Parameter with More than a Group Using MODIF ID

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Reply from horacio zapettini on Dec 20 at 2:02 PM
The answer is in tcode abaphelp...

Doing some reading there...

Some screen elements of a selection screen can be assigned using the addition MODIF ID modification groups<sapevent:"ABENMODIFICATION_GROUP_GL OSRY">. Modification groups are linked to the column group1 in the system table screen<sapevent:"ABAPLOOP_AT_SCREEN"& gt;. The modification groups that are assigned to the columns group2 and group3 of the system table screen are set by the system when a selection screen is generated. The content of group4 is intended for internal use only.

* group2 contains the value "DBS" for screen elements that are defined in a logical database<sapevent:"ABENLOGICAL_DATA_BASE_G LOSRY">.
* group3 can contain the values from the following table:

Abbreviation Meaning of screen element
BLK Frame of title of a block
COF Output field that is linked with a parameter or selection criterion<sapevent:"ABENSELECTION_CRITERIO N_GLOSRY"> with the addition FOR FIELD.
COM Output field that is not linked to a parameter or selection criterion.
HGH Input field for the higher interval limit of a selection criterion.
ISX Input field of a parameter that is linked to a search help by means of the addition AS SEARCH PATTERN.
LOW Input field for the lower interval limit of a selection criterion.
OPU Icon for the selection option of a selection criterion.
PAR Input field of a parameter.
PBU Pushbutton<sapevent:"ABENPUSHBUTTON_GLOSRY ">
TAB Tab title<sapevent:"ABENTAB_TITLE_GLOSRY" >
TOT Output field for text in front of the input field of the higher interval limit of a selection criterion.
TXT Output field for text in front of the input field of a parameter or the lower interval limit of a selection criterion.
ULI Horizontal rule.
VPU Pushbutton for multiple selection of a selection criterion.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Nicolas de los Reyes
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 1:50 PM
Subject: Declare a Screen Parameter with More than a Group Using MODIF ID

Hi All,

I have a simple issue that I cannot find out.

Does anybody know how to declare a screen parameter with more than a group using MODIF ID???(sap help says it can be used up to 4 groups, but it does not provide the syntax for this)

Thanks a lot!!

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horacio zapettini  

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