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RE:[sap-sem] Error in Tax group assignment

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Posted by AlexDalexD (Consultant)
on Nov 6 at 9:35 AM
You have to check if tax code that you use is available/imported in your system.
Check Tcode FTXP

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Arindam Saha
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 5:25 AM
Subject: Error in Tax group assignment

Hi All,

I am facing a quite strange problem at the time of settle one internal order. It's very urgent from client's point a view coz they are not able to settle the cost of internal order which they used to do monthly basis. I have got one reply from SAP which is also not clear to me.

The error showing "Tax group not assigned".

The SAP Global support told I believe that the error FF716 is called due to a missing customizing
Or a customizing that is not correctly in place. Please can you check?
Your tax customizing for your company code very carefully and take the
LONG TEXT of the ERROR message into account going forward in resolving
this issue.

It would be great if anybody share something to resolve this issue.

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