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RE:[sap-log-mm] Country of Origin from Inforecord to Batch Record at GR Time

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Posted by Mathew George (Mr.)
on Nov 6 at 1:02 AM

There is no option for it as such in SAP. You should be able to do that by user exit.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Keith Lewis
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 12:52 PM
Subject: Country of Origin from Inforecord to Batch Record at GR Time

Hi Folks,

We have a material which is purchased from 2 different vendors in different countries. The material is batch managed and a specific batch will only ever be purchased from 1 country. Some customers will only accept the material if sourced from 1 of the 2 countries. I have maintained the country of origin in the inforecord for each vendor. What I need to happen is that at the time of goods receipt of a new batch, the country of origin is passed to the batch record but this is not happening. The vendor is being pulled in, but not the CoO. The receipt is processed by an interface and not manually so it cannot be added manually at GR time.

Do I need to use a user exit in the batch creation process to populate this field in the batch record (if so, any idea which one would be suitable), or is there another way of configuring it to populate automatically from the inforecord?



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