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Hi, Check the PCR where VPF is calculated. If there is a split in the w/t it may not be getting the correct values for the different w/t's being used for the calculation. Run payroll with log and provide the details of the PCR's log. Then it would be possible for any one to understand/provide you a solution. Regards, JG
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: vikramsairam Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:22 AM Subject: Problem with Voluntary Provident fund Hi Experts, I need a clarification on Voluntary provident fund deduction. We maintained a 10% VPF in 0587 infotype for an employee. According to that... system is calculating the VPF and deducting from the basic salary. For some months it is calculating perfectly of 10% in Basic salary. But in some months it is calculating differently. In the recent scenario the basic salary of an employee is 15000,for most of the months it calculated the VPF as 1500(which is 10% of 15000) .But in some months it is showing differently as 900/- as VPF.Why system is calculating the VPF differently in some months. Please let me know the reason why the system is behaving like this. Regards, Ram. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | JG-SAPHR SAP HR Top Contributor
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