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Re: [sap-hr] Processing IT2002 in Payroll without Time Evaluation

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Posted by Muhammad Iqbal
on Nov 5 at 1:09 PM
Yeah, JG IT2010 is PY but P2002 is PT as well as PY function, although P2002 not used in any of the standard PY schema but pe04 says it is PY function and I tried in my own schema which brings the values in p2002 table in payroll schema but I am not able to process them further once I bring p2002 values in any of the wt num field rest I can do with my own rules.

I also thinking about retro impacts but I am sure will find some way by writing some rule.

Any idea how to bring p2002 hours value to any wt in payroll schema/rule.

Thanks and regards,

Mi - Muhammad Iqbal

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Jagan Gunja
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 10:14 AM
Subject: Processing IT2002 in Payroll without Time Evaluation


IT 2002 can be used in PT to output a w/t using V_T510S or through a PCR. It is not a normal input in PY.
If you need to use it in PY you need to create a user function because P2002 which processes IT 2002 is a PT function.
Similarly P2010 used to process IT 2010 is a PY function.


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