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[sap-hr] Death Benefit Distribution

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Posted by chandramohan10
on Oct 27 at 5:38 AM
My Client have 10,000 employees. Typically 4,000 will be in the death benefit scheme. This scheme is where each employee agrees to pay an amount to the family of any of its members should that member die. So employee 1 might agree to pay £1, employee 2 might agree to pay £3 etc. The deductions are only made if an employee dies.

The only 'standard' way we can think of holding this data and making it work as required would be to hold the deductions on Infotype 0014, and use a flag in T511K table that is read by the payroll. If the flag is 'zero' then no deduction. If the flag is '1' then1 death has occurred so deduct 1 lot of the Infotype 0014 value etc.

The only thing wrong with this is that it involves transports to switch it on and off. The only alternative I can think of it a bespoke function module in the payroll, and a bespoke table that can be maintained or updated in PRD to hold the 'flag'?
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