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[sap-abap] FM 'APPL_LOG_READ_DB' Returns Time Four Hours More than SLG1

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Posted by ElvisIsAlive
on Oct 19 at 6:08 AM
I'm doing a quick test of the FM below. When I extract the p_message_tab-TIM_STMP field value it returns exactly four hours more than the value in SLG1 Date/Time/User column. For example, the code below will return value '20,110,815,193,959.5685080' but in SLG1 the value is '2011/08/15 15:39:59'.

The program returns '2011/08/15 19:39:59'.

Thanks for your thoughts.

object = 'ZINTERFACES'
subobject = v_subobject_char20
external_number = space
date_from = '20110815'
date_to = '20110815'
time_from = '000000'
time_to = '235959'
log_class = '4'
program_name = '*'
transaction_code = '*'
user_id = '*'
mode = '+'
number_of_logs = p_number_of_logs
header_data = p_header_data_tab
header_parameters = p_header_para_tab
messages = p_message_tab
message_parameters = p_message_para_tab.
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