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RE:[sap-acct] Allocate One Cost to Two Different Cost Centers

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Posted by LCC352 (Sr. Mgr, ERP/Financial Systems)
on Oct 25 at 9:14 AM
Are you just allocating straight salary or is it going to be done by hours to a 60/40 split? If you're doing it by hours, you could log the hours in the Cross Application Time Sheet (CATS) and have it allocated based on hours spent to the exact cost center in the CATS entry.

If it's just a straight allocation, I would say use Distribution or Assessment, depending upon whether you want to zero out the salary line in the sending cost center (Distribution) or have a net zero effect in the sending cost center but still have the salary G/L intact for budget purposes (Assessment).


---------------Original Message---------------
From: sandhya maurya
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:53 AM
Subject: Allocate One Cost to Two Different Cost Centers

Hi all,

My client has 100 employees who are working on two projects. Billing needs to capture two employees so they want to allocate Employee-A salary 30,000 should be distributed to Cost center 1100 and Cost center 1200 in 40:60 Ratio. How can I achieve this in HR module? Any settings from HR to do this?

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