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Re: [sap-acct] Prepaid Expenses Amortized Per Month

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Posted by PSD Rajan (Solutions Architect)
on Oct 19 at 9:20 PM
Check out the Manual Accrual functionality. It supports both the initial
entry (Dr Customer/Cr Prepaid) as well as periodic postings (Dr Prepaid/Cr
Rental Income). This simple requirement can be met with the provided
standard functionality. It is not very difficult to configure either.
However, many have complained that it is too restrictive in terms of user
requirements. It is possible to customize it any which way you want, but
involves a certain amount of programming and consulting effort. As of
today, for my global client, I have completely replaced Recurring Entries
with Manual Accrual - substantially customized to surpass Recurring Entries.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Vidhya Dhar
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 8:19 PM
Subject: Prepaid Expenses Amortized Per Month


Nikki is right in presenting a summary of the scenario since the original
post does not clearly state the scheme of accounting entries.

However, would not the (*) prepaid rental income invoices involve a
customer and not a vendor? In general, we collect rent income from
customers, right ? Or am I getting it wrong?


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PSD Rajan
SAP Accounting Helper

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