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Re: [sap-acct] Possibilities for Fraud within SAP

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Posted by Roy B (SAP Financials Expert)
on Oct 27 at 4:18 AM
This is a long-winded post with a lot of questions, some of which are impossible to answer here because there is not enough information. For instance, what is your relationship to the SAP system you are talking about? Are you a user, a manager, a supplier or what? It is not clear. I would suggest that you should post one question at a time and should properly document that question. Also you should say whether these are theoretical questions or whether these cases are real.

I would also suggest that, if these cases are real, the system needs to be looked at closely by a senior FI-CO consultant who will be able to trace through the system to find out what is actually happening and to propose safeguards to prevent fraud. Some of the behaviour you describe is aberrant and would appear at first glance to be impossible, but, without knowing all the details it is difficult to draw conclusions.


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---------------Original Message---------------
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 6:39 PM
Subject: Possibilities for Fraud within SAP


Would it be possible and if so; how if a PO has been generated with for instance 5 different subdivisions (addresses) to remove for instance I address and its amount without the system sending me a new PO showing the amendments and lines being cancelled? When I queried this, the order on the system were different from my original one; everything's the same, just one item was removed and deducted. The system doesn't show any amendments and according to system a PO such as the original one doesn't exist.

Secondly: After a PO were invoiced and paid, how does the exact same order, order number, addresses and amounts get regenerated; how does the system allow this? I'll only received emails for the first PO, when it was re generated I didn't receive any email. How can this be done without me submitting new quotations, etc.?

Thirdly: I submit a Quote of X amount, the system generates a PO for that quotation of mine for exactly the same X amount. After completion of work i submit a invoice with an amount of X, the same as the amount on my quote and PO; butt when i receive my remittance advice for the payment of that invoice/s the amounts next to my invoice numbers differ, some even shows that there were for instance credit notes, when i didn't submit any credit notes? For instance when calculating the invoice amounts on the remittance it doesn't calculate to the subtotal at the bottom of the page, which surely are supposed to be done automatically? How's this possible?

Last BUT not least: How can the system pay for instance an amount of R47000 when my Quote,PO and admittance advice states the amount is for instance R44000? According to which invoice does the system pay?

What is the chances of a parallel account under my company name and Vendor number, as i suspecting fraudulent activities concerning my payments, etc?

Eagerly awaiting your response


Nico De Bruyn

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