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RE:[sap-acct] F-28 for intercompany customer payment

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Posted by wnash7658 (SAP Specialist and Project Leader)
on May 3 at 5:07 AM

You have to review your business process and how you will use OBYA.

If this is Cross Company Sales (SD), then the selling company code will create the AP payment and then have F-53 / F110 create the entries in the delivery company when the AP payment is made. Strange how the delivery company receives the cash payment, but nothing is in the books of the selling company.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Maverick_shaun
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 5:16 PM
Subject: F-28 for intercompany customer payment

Hi guys,

I have done config on OBYA for cross company code transactions, we created
a intercompany billing document.Now the intercompany billing document is
open as receivable on company code A which is the delivering plant, and
comapny B is the selling company code.
How do I use F-28 to pay to company code A ? when I select process open
item under comapny code B, it selects open item from comapny code A which I
think is correct, if I process the payment it clears out the open item from
comapny code A and debit cash account in company code B.

My question is how does this works? wht are the correct entries that
suppose to happen ? Do I need to raise a vendor invoice in comapny code B to
reflect the payables or not?



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