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RE: [sap-log-mm] Is it possible to email to Outlook a GR Slip (WE03)?

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Posted by jim mcdowall (IM/WM/SD SAP analyst)
on May 4 at 3:17 AM
Hi there,

I have found that to configure some of this type of functionality it can be pretty onerous, vendor master data has to have email account set up if the email account isn't generic and the recipient leaves the vendor company then the emails are not going anywhere anyway... So as long as your users account is set to save the spool request this is much easier and quicker. You still need to know who the recipient is going to be but since you would get a direct reply from the vendors email system if the user account no longer was in use you will be able to react much quicker than if it was auto sent and kicked back within SAP.

Jim McDowall
SAP - Inventory

---------------Original Message---------------
From: llangley2511
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 3:09 AM
Subject: Is it possible to email to Outlook a GR Slip (WE03)?

Are you saying that it is not possible to produce an automatic email from MIGO or too much work involved?

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