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Re: [sap-acct] F110 Edit Delete proposal is greyed out even after deleting the payment run

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Posted by Subhendu G (SAP certified FI solution Consultant, Asst.Manager IT)
on May 4 at 7:31 AM
We also faced this kind of situation previously. While deleting the
proposal no one should not work/edit with the line item you submitted in
proposal. Then you can only able to delete the proposal completely.

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---------------Original Message---------------
From: Emmanuel Trabuco
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 7:02 AM
Subject: F110 Edit Delete proposal is greyed out even after deleting the payment run

Hi all,
To my knowledge it has always been possible even after running a payment to go back and delete the payment using "payment run delete output" and also delete the proposal in " edit proposal, delete." I am astonished to see that it is now impossible to delete a proposal. I have deleted the run but the proposal is still greyed out. Although I did the payment run, ( bill of exchange receivable) no customer account was cleared so no further action is required there. Is there no option to delete the proposal apart from Payment , Reorganize option available in 14 days time?

What has changed ? I am in version 4.7
Many thanks for your support and prompt assistance

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Subhendu G
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