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Re: [sap-acct] Can the base of WH tax(EWT) be on document currency

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Posted by Roy B (SAP Financials Expert)
on May 4 at 2:54 AM
Why don't you use EUR as your local currency for the European company code(s)? Your group currency can be USD but the operating currency of the company should be exactly that - its operating currency.

I have severe doubts about lumping a number of European legal entities into one company code anyway, because they all have different reporting requirements. If you have a French, Italian or Greek legal entity mixed up in this single company code you have a recipe for disaster when the authorities in those countries want to do a tax inspection, for example. A visit from the Italian Guardia Fiscale (fiscal police) will really give you the shivers, I tell you.

Rgds, Roy

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Roy Brookes FFA, FInstBA,
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---------------Original Message---------------
From: debonly2001
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 8:34 PM
Subject: Can the base of WH tax(EWT) be on document currency

We have a business scenario where we run the small volume business affiliate from European countries via a common USD based Company code.
Now as those have WH tax but we configured them in USD Company, system calculates tax base after converting DC (EUR) to LC(USD) and then apply WH tax rate. Then convert back WH tax amt from USD to EUr.These duel conversion with exchange rate cause decimal difference.
Is there any way to force system to do entire WH tax calculation in DC instead of std. being LC?


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