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[sap-acct] How to remove comma from DME content / delimiter between segments

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Posted by LinhDT (SAP FI Consultant)
on Apr 22 at 7:10 AM
Dear all,

One segment (in DME content) is displayed as below:
ADV-TBLTXT,5,,L,Document,,L,Your document,,L,Date,,R,Deductions,,R,Gross amount,,,,
You could see the 4 commas at the end of this segment - which is caused by fields (defined in DMEE) do not have data. These fields are unused fields as well.
I tried to change status (in DMEE) of these fields to 2, or blank or 1 but commas still happened.
When I deleted these fields -> commas disappeared.

My concerns are:
1. is there any way to make those commas disappear without deleting those fields?
2. Is there a way not to have a delimiter between segments?

I would appreciate any of your answers.
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