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[sap-log-mm] Can APO Variant config solve this problem?

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Posted by bnD01 (owner)
on Jan 14 at 5:41 PM
In a process industry we need to manage BOMs in a standard way across multiple plants making the same product. This is accomplished by using phantom intermediates.
Thus raw material A or B can be used to produce phantom C and raw material 1 OR 2 makes phantom D. C+D make a finished good E that can exist in package 1 (E' ) or package 2 (E").
We need to plan and produce both E' and E" in a single step ( making the choice at the time of production whether to make from A+1 , A+2 , B+1 or B+2 (all make the same chemistry) without needing separate production steps to make the phantom. We need to manage to allow the correct choice of raw materials ( either or and in other cases even a variable blend) without needed to maintain separate BOMs for all combinations.
I was told that APO VC can solve it, but without any details. ( AND we do not have APO VC configured)
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