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Re: [sap-acct] Fixed asset AW01 Issue

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Posted by ARI (Sr. Consultant - SAP (Strategic Change Management))
on Jan 2 at 9:22 AM
You have seen everything which is correct.
When your FY is V3. It starts at April and ends at Mar nex year.
So from Aril-2010 to Mar2011.
Again in AW01N, you have been shown the depreciation for 12 months (planned, not posted), for that look the yellow triange beside every line item. This is also april to mar. i.r apr2010 to mar2011

Thanks and Regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sappokala
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 9:16 AM
Subject: Fixed asset AW01 Issue

Hi Sap ,

I assigned V3(April -march) Fiscal year to my Indian Company code, but when i see Aw01 for asset posted values it showing upto 12 month in 2010 year.

but when i assigned V3 it shold show up to March 2011. Asset balances, any configuration changes i have to do in asset management?? or is it showing correct??


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