Toolbox sap-hr Thanks Dave, Marjanov and JG for your replies. Maybe I should not have used the hire date in my example. This also happens with any records. The problem is in the selection criteria area (arrow down at the top of the WSR pop up box). My problem is really what Dave's last comment was refering to: 'Also, many drop-downs in SAP may default a few records, but you click on the little arrow to see your selection criteria, and change the BEGDA and ENDDA dates accordingly to get the correct WSR.' The value that is automatically populated in the ENDDA field is incorrect. I still believe that the ENDDA in that selection criteria area should not be defaulted based on the infotype 7 BEGDA but rather on the infotype ENDDA. In this case, the WSR would not be displayed as it is failing the second criteria, which would be : - does the WSR have an ENDDA > or = the end of the infotype record (9999.12.31 in my example). The answer is no (WSR ENDDA = 2010.12.31), and therefore, the WSR XYZ would not be presented in the WSR to choose from since although the day the record starts, it is valid, the day the record ends, WSR XYZ no longer exists. I know that we can change those dates, but to me the logic for defaulting the date in the ENDDA field is incorrect. @ JG - you were stating in your message : 'If a WSR is available only for a limited period and not up to 9999.12.31, the system will normally allow you to create the IT 7 with that WSR upto its validity date in V_T508A. At the time of selecting the WSR it may not restrict you, but when you hit 'save', it will reject. This is standard, unless the user exits have corrupted the code.' I totally agree with the expected behaviour you are describing, however, this is not what is currently happening. I am able to save IT0007 with no warning, no error message, nothing! The code for IT0007 has not been changed and I don't believe that we are using a user exit for that infotype...although, I will check that on Monday. I also agree that after saving IT 7 with a WSR, if you delimit the WSR in V_T508A, then it is your responsibility to correct the IT 7 records that have the WSR...however, this is not my current problem. In my case, the WSR was delimited before I created my infotype 0007. Did anyone else encounter this problem...or can anybody check if the value in the ENDDA field, coming by default in the restriction tab (arrow pointing down at the very top of the WSR pop up box) is > or = start date of IT0007? Thanks again Gen
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: david-homrighouse Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 5:24 PM Subject: IT0007 - how to prevent users to select delimited work schedule rule SCHKZ So you really need the selection as follows: BEGDA < or = the day you actually create the record, rather than the hire date. ENDDA > or = the day you actually create the record, rather than the hire date. There are messages in SAP that can be turned into warnings or hard errors, or just information, depending on your need. I don't know off the top of my head if there is such a message for records as these. You may wish to think about a warning, since I'm sure that every once in a while you do need to enter a record with expired validity dates. Then you'd be stuck if it was a hard error. I think changing the logic to not use BEGDA would cause secondary problems. Case in point: You actually hire the person on or before 2010.10.14, the day the person is supposed to start, instead of three months later when the WSR has expired. Now the correct WSR to choose should be the one from 2000.01.01 to 2010.12.31. A couple of questions to ask are, do you have this problem a lot, and do you have a lot of errors because of it? My guess is that, at some point in 2011, everyone coming in will be starting on or after Jan 1, 2011, so this issue you have goes away. If you can live with it for another month or two, I suggest doing this rather than creating an IT ticket for an issue that won't last long. Also, many drop-downs in SAP may default a few records, but you click on the little arrow to see your selection criteria, and change the BEGDA and ENDDA dates accordingly to get the correct WSR. Hope this helps, but if someone has a fast fix without need of IT, we're all ears. --Dave | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Most Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |