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[sap-abap] LT01 does not move partial quantities in our development.

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Posted by JJF97 (SAP MM-WM Consultant)
on Dec 20 at 6:12 PM
Hi gurus,

For warehouse management in a distribution center, we have developed a program to use in RF, through a call transaction we use LT01 to move articles from one bin to another. We have found that for some users, the program runs ok and moves partial quantities, but for some others, the program does not allow to move partial quantities, even when the user selects a partial quantity (user enters the desired quantity) in the program, SAP moves the total quantity that is in the bin. i.e.: if one bin has 10 pieces, and the user wants to move 3, the system does not take the specified pieces and takes the total quantity for the article. we are trying to debug the program but when program calls LT01, there is a point where we lose the track and program creates the TO. The problem here is that for some users work and for some others don't. The authorization objects are the same and we don´t know why the system is behaving in this way.

Any help?

We are running SAP ECC 6.0 and have SAP retail installed.
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