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Re: [sap-acct] Manual checks(fch5)

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Posted by PSD Rajan
on Sep 18 at 9:46 AM
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a) Reset clearing for the cashed check (FBRA)

b) Reverse encashment doc (FB08)

c) Reset encashment (FCHG)

If you are deleting an encashed check, the encashment has to be applied to
another check. Hopefully you have thought through the process.....

> Posted by dbenavides
> on Sep 17 at 9:27 PM
> I am having an issue with manual checks. Once, one is created i want to
> be able to reverse the payment(or unencash it) and void the check. How can i
> do that? I was suggested to use FCHF to delete the manual check. but then
> how do i unencash it?
> can i use FCHG
> I hope i am being clear enough.Thank you very much

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PSD Rajan
SAP Accounting Enthusiast

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