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RE: [sap-acct] Due date and Payment term and Company code

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Posted by Dammah (SAP Business Analyst/Consultant)
on Aug 20 at 3:11 PM
Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful
Hi Jason,

If I'm not mistaken I believe you misunderstood Roy by applying your logic below. Roy only meant that (and confirmed by VidhyaDhar) that the same customer/vendor can have different payment terms in each company code. This means that the vendor/customer created centrally can have different payment terms in FI and Sales area and even within FI, the same customer/vendor can have different payment terms in each company code.

This does not mean the terms from KNVV-ZTERM has priority over KNB1-ZTERM. When creating invoice with FB70/FB60, the company code payment terms default and when creating SO/PO/invoice payment terms from logistics side default. This is how standard SAP works. Anything beyond this is not normal and will be a program error.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 10:06:18 -0400
From: sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
To: email@removed
Subject: RE:[sap-acct] Due date and Payment term and Company code

Posted by Jason Barton (Billing Functional Consultant - Team Lead)
on Aug 20 at 10:11 AM Mark as helpful

What are the payment terms set as in your customer in company B and the applicable sales org in company B that is in play here? Company KNB1-ZTERM to KNVV-ZTERM for your company code B case. My guess is that you have a different entry in KNVV-ZTERM that is trumping your KNB1-ZTERM.

Same type of idea on vendor side I believe although it's been a while. Compare LFB1-ZTERM to LFM2-ZTERM, if different at LFM2 level, that trumps LFB1.

This is pretty much what Roy was implying in his communications.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Norva
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:20 PM
Subject: Due date and Payment term and Company code

> Hello everyone,
> we have payment term Z001, which is set to be due net within 30 days.
> company code A and B.
> Customer 1000, payment term is set to Z001 for both company code A and B.
> here is problem:
> when using FB70/FV70 to create an invoice for the custome 1000, the due dates are not the same for company A and B.
> in company A, the payment is due 30 days after, which is what we want.
> in company B, it is due immediately
> what the problem it could be?
> thanks

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