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RE: [sap-dev] error-LFA1 is not defined for the current logical database

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Posted by Ben Meijs Ctac (Product Manager SAP Developments)
on Jul 27 at 2:05 AM
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Have a look at the attributes of the original program. It is probably based on a logical database. You only copied the abap source (with GET LFA1 statement). For this you need a logical database with LFA1 node. You should also enter the name of the ldb in attributes of your abap.

Met vriendelijke groeten/ kind regards,

Ben Meijs

From: rajivvarma via sap-dev [mailto:sap-dev@Groups.ITtoolbox.com]
Sent: dinsdag 27 juli 2010 7:32
To: Ben Meijs
Subject: [sap-dev] error-LFA1 is not defined for the current logical database

Posted by rajivvarma (call center management)
on Jul 27 at 1:31 AM

Hi Experts,

I am trying to modify existing standard report(list of vendors address) .For this i am copying the content into custom report.i got an error -LFA1 is not defined for current logical database.please guide me how to solve this.

Rajiv varma

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Ben Meijs Ctac
SAP Development Helper

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