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Re: [sap-acct] Error when posting a payment document using transaction F-58

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Posted by is-auto
on Jul 27 at 5:05 AM
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PstKy - 31 Account - ****** (WELL) & press enter
Amount - 45,000/- Business Area - 830B, Payt terms - 0001
Text - Goods purchased

PstKy - 40 Account - 401000 (Material Purchased) & press enter
Amount - * Business Area - 830B (Under MORE button you will find it)
Text - + & press enter. Select menu item DOCUMENT -> SIMULATE & POST.

OUTGOING PAYMENT (using Reason Code):
Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Document Entry -> Outgoing Payment -> Post (or) F-53

Residual payment
Document Date - **/**/**** Document Type - KZ
Company Code - 8301 Currency/Rate - INR

Account- 211000 (ABN Bank A/C) Business Area - 830B
Amount- 43,000/-,
Text - Part payment,
Account- ****** (WELL) And enter & select RESIDUAL tab and double click in the RESIDUAL ITEMS column and select DR (Discount Received) reason code.
Go to menu item DOCUMENT -> SIMULATE & press POST button.
An example:
While processing thru F-58, First enter the payable amount.

Next Go To Process open items. Go to Res. Items tab and double click on the Residual items.


From: iEdeh via sap-acct <sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
To: is-auto email@removed
Sent: Tue, July 27, 2010 2:19:53 PM
Subject: [sap-acct] Error when posting a payment document using transaction F-58

Posted by iEdeh
on Jul 27 at 4:46 AM
When posting a payment document in FI (outgoing payment F-58) the error "The amount from FI doc line x in company x is different to JV" occured.

Please can someone help me with this? I am using SAP R/3 v4.7.

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