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RE:[sap-security] Searching for transaction in a role

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Posted by MassimoC (IT Manager/SAP Security)
on May 31 at 8:37 AM
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I had the same issue several moths ago and there is not a quick way.
I used transaction "S_BCE_68001420" to locate the roles that have the
transactions that I was looking for, then you'll need to search in the
role menu for the transaction.
The S_BCE_68001420" will give you the list of roles and by double-click on
the role name the system will open the role using PFCG, so you can search
and make the changes necessary to your role.

I hope this will help.


"haimbaruch via sap-security" <sap-security@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
31/05/2010 03:48 AM
Please respond to

MassimoC email@removed

RE:[sap-security] Searching for transaction in a role

Dear Ahmad,
First of all, thanks a lot for your answer.

Now, I do know about the Switch on/off technical names button.

I also know all the transactions names that I want to search for.

The problem is that after entering the transaction name to search, I get a
screen with the results, without an option to click on the result and
automatic locate the transaction in the menu tab in the role.
It just let me know that the transaction exists/not exist in the role?
Hope I made it clear now?

Thanks again.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: haimbaruch
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:11 PM
Subject: Searching for transaction in a role

> Hi,
> I need to delete a number of transaction from the menu tab in a role.
> I can find the transaction via the "serach text entry" in the menu tab,
but if the entry do exist, i need a way to locate it in the transaction
list... ( i got a lot of transactios!).
> Can it be done not by looking in the eye.... ?
> Thanks
> Haim.

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