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RE:[sap-srm] SRM Organizational Structure integration with HR org. struc.

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Hi Gurus,
We need to mass upload new P Orgs and P Groups to the SRM Org structure as the no of org units is too large (few thousands) Is there a way to do this (possibly without development) e.g. LSMW, mass upload transaction, if any?
I understand that we can replicate other Org units/HR data etc from ECC. I would like to know if it is possible to replicate these (both P Org and P Groups) from ECC? Has anybody succeeded with either any upload tool or replication for these? I have gone through the OSS notes, other forum threads etc, but did not find any information specific to mass upload/replication of P Orgs or P groups.
If so, how do I obtain the object IDs for these Org units in ECC(table?) ? Will these object ids remain the same in SRM or these are different?
We are on SRM5 with HR integration active. Any help will be much appreciated.
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