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RE:[sap-log-pm] Maintenance order history

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Posted by nagrar (SAP PM Business Lead)
on Sep 6 at 8:57 PM
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When you Technically Complete or Business Complete and order it becomes part of your history but does not become a Historical Order. A Historical Order is a special form of the order that doesn't have any associated data for confirmations or goods issues etc, you can put some of this information in, but it is basically text entries. This makes it good for recording history from a legacy system and I've also used it where the actual work was being done in a different system, say a contractors maintenance system, but we wanted to have history of the work performed.
(I haven't done archiving so the rest of this is what I think is true)
The other way to get Historical work orders in in the Archiving process. In the old days when you archived something it was removed from the system and lost. With work orders you had the option to convert your orders to Historical Orders during the archive process. Now with archiving, the data is stored somewhere else and you still have access to it so it's probably not worth creating the historical orders, unless they are still needed to access the archived data.
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