Re: [sap-srm] ESM - Electronic Service Mgmt
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Thank you for your email.Let me confirm that you want to automate the
service procurement using SRM. If my understanding is correct, You have
following options:
Option 1:( Indirect Mateial and services )
You can use supplier self service (SUS EBP) scenario in SRM in Extended
classic scenario for Indirect Material Procurement.. It lets you to send PO
, PO chnages and receive Purchase order Response from the vendors.. You can
add workflow for purchase order changes, incase supplier wants to make
changed in the PO.Only pitfall in this scenario is that you can not automate
confirmation and invoice in SRM. You need to enter invoice in Invoice
Management system in MM which also gives access to vendor to enter
invoice... That means you are going for hybrid solution with SUS EBP.
*Notes:* SUS EBP is implemented with all functionalities including PO, PO
change, PO Response, Confirmation, and invoice.
In Extended classic scenario, only PO, PO change, PO Response are
supported. Refer SAP Note: 543544
In Plan driven procurement in SRM,, classic scenario is supported for
Material For services, you need to implement MM SUS scenario.
Option 2:(*Applicable for Direct Material and PMO Materials only*. *Not
supported for services as a standard. package If you want to implement this
scenario, you need to refer SAP Note :868192* )
You can go for automated material procurement in MM using Supplier Self
Service SUS MM. In this scenario, you can send PO, PO Change to the vendor
and let Vendor to enter Purchase order response, confirmation and invoice in
SUS MM. Only pitfll in this scenario is that there is no Difference PO
monitor for PO Response available.. Meaning, when a vendor request a
change in PO as part of PO response, system does not show what is the
difference between PO and PO change. In SRM EBP , scenario Difference
monitor is started immediately, if it recognizes a change in PO reuested
by the vendor which in turn kicks off the workflow.Thi workflow is designed
to get approval from the required manager to approve the change requested by
the vendor.
*One more difference between SUS MM and SUS EBP scenario is that
*SUS MM:* Information is carried thru Idoc from MM to XI. Then XI convert
the information to XML message and send to SUS.
*SUS EBP* Information is carried thru XML Message to XI. which in turn
conveys information thru XML message and send to SUS.
If you need more information, you can check up SAP service market place.
Pl let me know, if you need any further information on this matter.
Thank you
On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 1:46 AM, Koita via sap-srm <> wrote:
> Posted by Koita(SAP Project Manager)
> on Sep 26 at 8:45 AM Sukumar,
> Thanks for your opinion. I am aware of an implementation that will use SRM
> to implement Services.Could you elaborate on the pitfalls they will run into
> ? Also, I am familiar with SES - Service Entry Sheet. But not sure what you
> mean by SUS MM scenario. Any links, paper related to ESM implmentation,
> pitfalls, howtos, business justification would be very much appreciated. -
> Koita
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