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Help configuration in SAP

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Help configuration in SAP:-

1. Execute SPRO ->SAP reference IMG
2. Expand General Settings
3. Execute Clock Button "Settings Variants for Help"
4. Continue
5. Click on "Plain Html http"
6. Click on NewEntries

Enter the following data in each field:-

Variant : help32en
Platform : WIN32
Servername : help.sap.com
Path : saphelp_47x200/helpdata (FOR SAP 4.7 EE)
erp2005_ehp_02/helpdata (FOR SAP ERP ECC 6.0)
Language : EN
Default : Check the Box and Click on Save

A Workbench Request would be created as it is a Cross-Client application data.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : Help configuration in SAP


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