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RE: [sap-acct] Changing bank

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Posted by ganesh1000cr
on Aug 7 at 2:28 AM
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New Bank master can be created using T.Code FI01. New house bank can be created using T.Code FBZP.

Please try and let me know if you require any assistance.

From: sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
To: ganesh1000cr@hotmail.com
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 16:49:45 -0400
Subject: [sap-acct] Changing bank

Posted by binyazer (specialist)
on Aug 6 at 4:58 PM
Can someone please give me the steps in creating a new master bank account within SAP?
We are in the process of changing our master bank account but can not quickly get rid of the current one because of the outstanding checks and our large payroll. How are we going to go by doing this without any conflict in our transactions?
I would also like to know if it is possible to have two house banks in the system and then proceed to delete the old one after transferring all account to the new bank.
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