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RE:[sap-log-sd] Clarification on a system error message

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Posted by Mart_DJ
on 07/03/2009 05:03:00 AM

hello there,
This looks like it is coming from your condition record
Goto transaction VBN3
enter your condition information
look at the field 'Free goods delivery control' - the values here are as follows
Delivery takes place regardless of main item
A Delivery only if main item is partially delivered
B Delivery only if main item is fully delivered
C Delivery if main item is part. delivered, only with main itm
E Delivery proportional to quantity in main item
If you are unsure of the condition record in the access sequence then you could simulate an order entry in va01 and before you enter the material goto the top menu and selection environment > analysis > free goods > on
Hope this helps

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