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RE:[sap-hr] Maintaining relation A008 between S and P in PO13 causes problems

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Posted by JG-SAPHR(Senior SAP HR Consultant)
on 07/05/2009 09:17:00 AM

The feature PLOGI needs to be set as &PLOGI=X. Table T77S0 needs the entry PLOGI ORGA X (this means the integration is ON between PD & PA for org assignment from both sides).
Refer to doc for "Set up Integration with Personnel Administration"in IMG. The table T77S0 for the entry PLOGI ORGA has doc. In this table for each entry of semantic abbrev under any group has doc.
I have not seen any installation doing the maintenance from PO13 for org assignment. Only in case of any problems you may need to do so.
Hope this helps.
Regards, JG

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