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RE:[sap-basis] MSCS Installation 4.6C SR2 on Windows 2003 with SQL 2000 95%?

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Posted by stamoulisg
on 07/04/2009 09:16:00 AM

Thx Caddick, actually in 4.6C it doesn't require a master password at start, only define the passwords for user <SID>adm and SAPService<SID>. The correct password for DDIC at 95% of the installation progress is 19920706 but this could not continue. The solution was to stop installation, update to the latest 4.6D kernel (NOT 4.6D_EX2!) and start the installation again. It goes directly to 95%, but this time the password is accepted. Note 965145, Section IV, B, Step 8. Thx. __.____._

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